Forum v7.7 (C)Anton Morozov, Kiev, Ukraine, 24.12.2002-5.11.2003

SoftICE & keyboard/mouse problem

Cообщений 8
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22.04.2003 22:18:14

Hi all,

I tried to install softice 4.27 on my PC running WinXP+SP1 but I got in troubles bacause once I load all registry settings. Computer booted up correctly but I couldn't control my it nor by keyboard nor by mouse (neither in SafeMode!!!). After many attempt I found out that problem is with some registry settings because when I put back backup of registry problem disappear.
Don't you anybody know what could the reason for such problems?

24.05.2003 05:35:39

It's all simple. One of registry file contains settings for hardware of those PC where Driver Studio was installed at first time (and softice was ripped from it). So, when you load this regisrty settings, this "other" hardware (like mouse or/and keyboard) appears in you "device manager" (try to check this here: <WIN>+<Pause/Break> -> Hardware -> Device Manager or Control Panel -> System -> Hardware -> Device Manager) You have to delete this "additional" devices (It'll be signed with "conflict label"), and please DO NOT DELETE your OWN devices.
The other way is try to find this settings in one of those regisrty files and delete them from it BEFORE you load registry settings.
That's all. Sorry for my bad english :)

01.07.2003 19:35:33

thanks for your advice, in the meantime I found other solution - I loaded registry settings file by file and tried if SI works. I skipped file with configuration of keyboard - fortunately everything worked OK.
First I was affraiding to exclude some registry settings because of recomendation in some readme file.

20.10.2003 18:08:07

Hello emha!

i use softice 4.27 on xp sp1, but it doesn't work , either not loading, or loading but the breakpoint not triggered, any suggestion ?

best regards

[email protected]

06.01.2004 19:02:43

Where can i download softice 4.27

16.01.2004 09:49:00

hi, i installed softice 4.27 on win xp without any service packs. i rebooted and sice worked well but when i restarted my computer and i started sice, my mouse locks up and the sice window does not show up

09.02.2004 13:44:10

I have XP professional and i can&acute;t run softice why?????
you know how to crack X-TRAINING TITANIUM.
Thankx a lot.
my mail: [email protected] (don&acute;t forget this _ on my mail.. :)

15.02.2004 17:47:35

Hello jak!


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